Thursday, 14 June 2012

The DIAMOND Jubilee – 60 years and going strong...

Last week, Millions gathered together in London and the rest of the UK to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond jubilee – and what a celebration it was! From boats to horserace’s, from ceremonies to pop stars, London was the place to be.
Undeniably, the highlight of the Jubilee ceremony was the concert.  The best of British and global sensations gathered onto one small stage, to sing for the nation, the queen, and the globe. From to Elton John, the evening provided a wide variety of different music cultures and genres, aiming to please as many crowds as possible. Not to mention the amazing Commonwealth Band performing a composition by Andrew Lloyd-Weber and Gary Barlow! The most famous family in the world took their places in the Royal box to watch acts that treaded boards, from anthems to hip hop mash-ups, the concert supplied the royals with a diverse ensemble to say the least.
       Of course, her Royal highness was 40 minutes late to the gig (wearing earplugs!) due to the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, being rushed to hospital with a worrying bladder infection. Just months after his nearly fatal heart jitter worried the nation. Nevertheless, the Queen arrived with a very neutral, royal face, ready for the night’s festivities to continue…although, pointed out by presenter and comedian, Lennie Henry, “She missed Tom Jones!"

       The gig started with a brass band opening from the Coldstream Guards, followed by a rather militarized entrance by none other than Robbie Williams, rocking out to “Let Me Entertain You”. Overall, the opening wasn’t brilliant for me. Although, Robbie a very talented icon of British pop, was right to be there, he needed to find the balance between singing and jumping around, getting the crowd to cheer. Which he could have done just by singing the famous tune. But instead was out of breath after the first minute of the song. Much like not-so-fit-anymore-Cliff Richard. Who in my opinion hasn’t been a heartthrob since the sixty’s and the sooner he realises that the better. He performed a melody of songs through the decades of her majesty’s reign. But by the time he got to the seventies it was like “Hey, Dude, do you need an oxygen mask?” Although, there is no doubt he can still sing and is possibly the biggest British individual musician globally, he hasn’t got the moves anymore, therefore I think made a fool of himself at the end when he bopped his booty sideways, nearly damaging the prosthetic hip at the same time. As the night drew on, we discovered should stick to producing, Cheryl (no longer Cole) still hasn’t been able to sing live since she went to the states and got rejected, Alfie Boe, can perform mesmerizing opera whilst performing a brilliant impersonation as the king of rock n’ roll, Stevie wonder is still one of the amazing musicians alive and Elton can still pull off a pink jacket and those sunny sunglasses!
         The last performance was Madness performing the incredibly catchy “Our House” on top of the palace whilst projections of typical 50’s style houses was launched onto the colossal crib itself. A brilliant performance it was too!
        To bring the night to a close, Prince Charles addressed his mother, his Queen, with a etiquette, yet heart touching speech which made the crowd go crazy. Finishing with the Queen, now smiling, placing the HUGE diamond crystal onto the podium, lighting the Jubilee beacon.

So to round off, an awesome Jubilee which will go down in history as one of the greatest celebrations in the twenty-first century. Over the past two years, the nation has seemed to rebuild its faith into the royal family – and I think now, especially Prince Charles – after the death of Princess Diana in the mid-90’s, which shook the world and its love for the British Monarch. But it seems the nation is willing to forgive now. The celebrations and specifically the concert, has brought the nation together once more to realise that yes, we may be a small nation, in economic ruins and little to be happy about, but we know how to be brilliant and party like there’s no tomorrow.

So not just congratulations to Her Majesty, The Royals, or pop stars. Congratulations to YOU patriarchs. Because you are the ones who put great in Great Britain!

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 Written by James Pullan

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